The paradox of the doctor shortage in Germany: Why healthcare suffers despite a high doctor density
A paradoxical picture emerges in Germany: the number of doctors has never been higher, and per capita care has also reached record levels. Nevertheless, patients in many places complain about a lack of care. Long waiting times for appointments and admission freezes in practices raise doubts about the health system.
Alarming warnings from politicians
Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) focuses on this discrepancy between the apparently sufficient density of doctors and the noticeable supply problems. He warns of an impending shortage of general practitioners and provides an alarming insight into the underlying problem: in the last ten years , 50,000 fewer doctors were trained in Germany than needed . This figure is based on projections of population growth and health needs and makes it clear that the current training capacity is not sufficient to meet future needs.
The time bomb of the doctor shortage is ticking
Lauterbach's warnings underline the urgency of the problem. The current shortage of training places will only really become noticeable in the coming years. A study by the Central Institute for Statutory Health Insurance Physicians predicts a further deterioration by the mid-2030s. One in four doctors is already over 60 years old , which means an impending wave of retirements.
Causes and effects of the doctor shortage
Markus Beier, Federal Chairman of the German Association of General Practitioners, emphasizes the changing areas of responsibility and the high bureaucratic burden that doctors are increasingly faced with. This is why many doctors are deciding against opening their own practice. The German Association of General Practitioners also criticizes politicians who have done too little to combat the shortage of doctors for years.
Regional inequalities and burdens in hospitals
The unequal distribution of doctors exacerbates the problem, especially in structurally weak regions. The situation in hospitals is also critical, as working hours have not been increased sufficiently despite the increasing number of doctors.
Challenges in training and working conditions
Lower Saxony has invested in the training of medical students, most recently with the expansion of the University of Oldenburg. Despite these efforts, the ratio of medical students to residents in Lower Saxony remains challenging, with only 789 places currently available for human medicine courses. The Marburger Bund is calling for an increase to 1,200 places to counteract the growing shortage of doctors, which is exacerbated by rising operating costs and inflation.
General practitioners in Lower Saxony are under enormous financial pressure. Operating costs, such as for dressing materials, heating costs and practice rent, have risen considerably in recent years, while income has stagnated. This is leading to more and more practices closing because successors cannot be found. The workload is also increasing, which is a deterrent, especially for young doctors, from taking over their own practice. This generation prefers a good work-life balance, and 14-hour days are no longer acceptable to them. The Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians in Lower Saxony stresses that fewer and fewer doctors are willing to run a practice under these conditions and is therefore calling for better funding for practices to make the profession more attractive.
Taking care of your own health and relieving the burden on the healthcare system: A holistic perspective
At a time when the healthcare system is facing challenges and waiting rooms are overcrowded, it is more important than ever to take proactive measures to not only promote your own health but also reduce the burden on doctors and hospitals.
A conscious lifestyle is key to this. Regular exercise, a balanced diet and adequate sleep are fundamental steps to strengthen our immune system and prevent disease. By taking care of our physical and mental health, we can not only improve our personal well-being, but also help reduce the number of people who need medical attention.
Innovative solutions for health promotion
An example of an innovative solution is SalinoVatis . The mini saline offers a simple way to promote respiratory health from the comfort of your home or workplace.
SalinoVatis uses stimulating salty air to support the respiratory system and promote blood circulation. The anti-inflammatory effect of the salt can help relieve respiratory symptoms and improve lung function. In addition, the increased humidity ensures a pleasant indoor climate and contributes to general relaxation.
Prevention out of love for yourself and your fellow human beings
By consciously taking care of our own health and using non-medical everyday helpers such as SalinoVatis, we can not only promote our own health, but also contribute in solidarity to keeping waiting rooms free for more urgent cases and relieving the burden on the health system.