From Vision to Innovation

Martin Huber

inventor and co-founder

The idea for SalinoVatis came from a personal experience: when a family member suffered from severe asthma, I began looking for an effective solution.

After intensive research and numerous prototypes, SalinoVatis was created - an innovative mini-salt plant that makes the healing effects of salt air accessible to everyone.

Our mission is to make the beneficial effects of salt air available to everyone - regardless of where you live or your budget.

Martin Huber

inventor and co-founder

The development of SalinoVatis

From the first idea to the finished product


The inspiration

It all started with a family member with asthma. The healing effects of graduation towers inspired us to make this technology accessible at home.

"From personal experience to innovation: The search for an effective solution for asthma became the starting point of a revolutionary development."


First Experiments

Intensive research phase: testing different materials and techniques to increase the salt content in the air. Each attempt brought us closer to the optimal solution.

"Over 100 hours of development time, dozens of prototypes and one vision: to make salt air accessible to everyone."


technological breakthrough

The decisive moment: The development of our innovative Gyroid structure using 3D printing technology enabled a salt content of over 30% - a milestone in salt air therapy.

"Breakthrough: Innovative 3D printing technology enables 30% salt content - significantly more than conventional systems."


Successful prototypes

The first prototypes exceeded all expectations. Thanks to the unique design, we were able to achieve a significantly higher salt concentration than conventional devices.

"The first major success: a family member was able to significantly reduce his inhalation dose thanks to SalinoVatis."


Clinical Validation

Scientific tests by Prof. Dr. Biener GmbH confirmed the increased mineral release. An important step towards quality assurance.

"Scientifically confirmed: Laboratory tests demonstrate the increased release of valuable minerals such as calcium and magnesium."


market launch

The launch of SalinoVatis: an innovation that revolutionizes salt air therapy and makes it accessible to everyone. The beginning of a new era in respiratory health.

"Over 2500 units sold: The increasing demand confirms the need for effective salt air therapy at home."


Entdecken Sie die technischen Durchbrüche und Innovationen hinter SalinoVatis

Technische Durchbrüche

  • Innovative 3D-Druck Technologie
  • Salzgehalt von über 30%
  • Effiziente Salzverteilung
  • Energiesparende Konstruktion


  • Kompaktes, effizientes Design
  • Wartungsarme Konstruktion
  • Geräuscharmer Betrieb
  • Optimierte Luftführung

Patente & Innovationen


Geschütztes Design

Unsere Zukunftsvision

Wir arbeiten kontinuierlich an der Weiterentwicklung unserer Technologie, um die Salzluft-Therapie noch effektiver und zugänglicher zu machen. Unser Ziel ist es, innovative Lösungen zu schaffen, die das Leben von Menschen mit Atemwegserkrankungen nachhaltig verbessern.

Innovation Technology
Salzgehalt 30%+
Effizienz 95%
Geräuschpegel <30dB
Martin Huber - Gründer von SalinoVatis

Interview mit Martin Huber

Gründer und Innovator von SalinoVatis

Ein persönlicher Hinweis von mir: Gesundheit ist unser wichtigstes Gut. Mit SalinoVatis möchte ich einen Beitrag leisten, das Leben von Menschen mit Atemwegserkrankungen zu verbessern.